The Man-Making Blog is a practical and inspirational resource
for people interested in supporting our young males
on their journey to manhood.

January 13, 2008

Hold On to Your N.U.T.s

In my quest for resources that help build good men, I came across this interesting book by by Wayne M. Levine, M.A., the director of the West Coast Men's Center in Agoura Hills, CA, where he coaches and mentors men, and facilitates men's groups.

The book, Hold On to Your N.U.T.s, in spite of its attention grabbing title, is really about creating solid men boys can admire. N.U.T.s in this case stands for "Non-negotiable, Unalterable, Terms," the things, "that a man is committed to."

Check out the video of the author below having fun being interviewed by the media. You can also go to his website and read snippets of his philosophy, including topics such as Building Communities of Men Without Shame.

For a painfully humorous take on holding on to your NUTS and this book, check out this link. As always, your comments on this post are welcome.

January 5, 2008

Boys Adrift & Pentecostal Church

I just love the comparison that Leonard Sax makes about how a boy's classroom really should be more like a Pentecostal church service than what exists today. In this very boy literate article from the School Library Journal, he explains why boys very much need a different kind of educational environment because their learning styles are so much different than girls. It's a great read if you care at all about this powerful influence in boy's early development.

Leonard Sax is the author of both Why Gender Matters (Doubleday, 2005), and his most recent book, Boys Adrift (Basic Books, 2007).) In this article, he goes on to describe the "five distinct and independent factors which have driven boys away from books over the past 30 years." If you care about boys, or want to consider what happened to you as a very young male, check out this article.