This will be the last post of 2010. It's been a great year. With almost 500 subscribers and growing, that's a lot of eyeballs for my 58 posts. THANK YOU! I'm a very grateful blogger because that means there are a lot of you out there who care about this topic, and just possibly are or are considering making a difference for men and boys.

I'll be back soon with my annual reader survey. If not in late December, early January for sure. In the past I have learned a lot from all of you and made some major changes to the blog. Without indulging in shame generating, end of the year commitments, next year it would be fun to:
- have some posts with Podcasts, audio interviews of people working in this field (do you want to be interviewed?),
- possibly add a chat button to this site so we could connect in real time (I'm at the keyboard a lot anyway),
- maybe even offer a Webinar where a bunch of us might gather online and kick some ideas around about a specific man-making topic,
- Your suggestions?
So thank you for reading this blog, for your leads to resources, and for the gifts of your time and attention. You are much appreciated.
May your holiday season be safe, contain some joy, moments of serenity, times of loving and feeling loved, and lots of gratitude for the many gifts already in our lives.
See you back here in January.
Earl Hipp
If you're not yet a subscriber to the Man-Making Blog, and you'd like to receive these posts by email 3-4 times a month, go to this link for a free subscription.
Idea Earl....YouTube ManMaking!!!