The Man-Making Blog is a practical and inspirational resource
for people interested in supporting our young males
on their journey to manhood.

March 3, 2019

Teaching Boys about Toxic Masculinity

On the CNN website, Inside Africa, there is an article with a wonderful description of how some good men in South Africa are supporting and inviting young males to look at the collection of men's issues being called toxic masculinity.

The article describes men meeting with boys in Pankop, a small town in eastern South Africa. They call their not-for-profit organization the Young Men's Movement, and their work is to create safe spaces for conversations about manhood in schools, local churches, and even gardens in their town.

. . . the men are hoping to build
a "different generation of men."

Kabelo Chabalala, a group leader says ". . . teaching men to "respect women" is a crucial part of the group's aim." In a country where the rate of femicide is three times the global norm, and rape culture "ever-present," by stepping into action the men are hoping to build a "different generation of men."

Check out the CNN article and learn more about what these courageous men are doing for boys, men, women, and their community.

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