The Man-Making Blog is a practical and inspirational resource
for people interested in supporting our young males
on their journey to manhood.

January 20, 2005

The Return of Manhood Symposium

FrontPage Magazine has done men a great service. They have sponsored a symposium and invited some of the most male-literate thinkers, writers, educators... to consider the possibility that the assault on manhood, which has been a way of life for a generation or two, may actually be lifting...some.

If you're a man and only read one item about your gender role this week or this month, this would be a great article to put in your to-do pile.

"After years of creeping feminization, manhood and masculinity appear to have made a significant comeback in American society. Since the national security crisis of 9/11, America has rediscovered the virtues of soldiers, firemen, policemen and other traditionally male (and masculine) professions that require courage and physical strength. What explains this phenomenon? Why is manhood, once again, being held in high esteem? Or is this all just a mirage, destined to vanish in the near future? "

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